New Mexico Child Custody Attorneys
Experienced Child Custody Lawyers in Albuquerque
New Mexico child custody disputes are one of the most difficult aspects in New Mexico family law. When children are involved, there are certain rules that parents must follow regarding the child’s best interests. The child custody attorneys at Family Law Firm in Albuquerque, New Mexico will expertly guide you through all of the complicated aspects of your child custody dispute. If you're looking for a skilled attorney to help prepare you for your child custody case, our lawyers are here to help!
At Family Law Firm, we understand how heartbreaking it is to lose custody of a child. However, this can be avoided by knowing your rights and understanding the child custody process in New Mexico. The experienced custody lawyers at Family Law Firm in Albuquerque will guide you through the process and prepare you for a custody evaluation while looking out for the best interests of you and your children.

The child custody lawyers at Family Law Firm goes the extra mile. We understand the law can be confusing and navigating your custody case may be complicated. We have years of experience helping New Mexicans with their custody cases. Whether you are seeking visitation or full custody, we'll properly instruct you over the do’s and don’ts throughout the child process, and with the lawyers at Family Law Firm, you'll never feel ignored or in the dark over your case.
Albuquerque Child Custody Lawyers Ready to Serve
Are you looking for the best child custody lawyers in Albuquerque, New Mexico? Look no further than Family Law Firm for the best and most experienced attorneys in Albuquerque. With 72 years of combined child custody experience, your NM child custody case is in great hands.
At Family Law Firm, our custody lawyers in Albuquerque are known for being knowledgeable, skilled, aggressive, and compassionate. We specialize in handling full custody, joint custody, and visitation cases. If you're looking for a lawyer who has your child's best interest at heart, the experienced custody attorneys at Albuquerque's Family Law Firm are here to help.
Child Custody Cases in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Over one million children see their families changed through divorce each year in America. A child’s health and emotional well-being greatly depends on their parents’ communication and interaction after the separation or divorce in New Mexico. Child custody issues often pull at heart-strings and can be the most contentious cases in family law. Understanding the basics of New Mexico custody law can help you and your child during this difficult time. If you live in New Mexico and are going through a divorce or separation, Family Law Firm can help you with your custody case.
What Relationship Will You Have with Your Child?
The attorneys at Family Law Firm understands that your child is the most important part of your separation or divorce. The stress can be overwhelming when your child’s welfare and upbringing becomes the court’s focus. The stakes are high with child custody cases in Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties. Your goal is to stay calm and remain rational. The group of lawyers in Albuquerque at Family Law Firm will guide you through this difficult time in your life. The usual child custody case in New Mexico may involve mediation, guardian ad litem, or Court Clinic. Child Custody cases in NM also involve the process of developing a parenting plan, calculating child support based on the New Mexico support guidelines, and serious negotiations with your ex. If you need help navigating custody laws in New Mexico, contact the attorneys at Family Law Firm in Albuquerque.
New Mexico Custody Cases in Albuquerque Based on Your Child’s Best Interests
Nothing is more important than your child’s future. Take your child’s future into your hands by reading about New Mexico child custody law. Lean as much as possible about Albuquerque child custody laws. Read our free eBook entitled, Understanding Child Custody in New Mexico. Our free eBook outlines the child custody process in New Mexico.
Child custody cases have their own language and process. Take a step today and read our free eBook. Schedule a time to talk with one of our experienced NM child custody attorneys. Knowledgeable advice and skilled representation from an experienced Albuquerque family lawyer will put you on the path towards a fair and desired custody arrangement. Family Law Firm’s attorneys represent spouses in divorce, as well as unmarried parents that are seeking custody and can help with a wide range of family law issues, including: Custody, time-sharing, child support, child relocation, modifying a parenting plan, and more.
Legal Custody, Physical Custody, and Parenting Plans
You need a working vocabulary to effectively communicate your desired custody. There are three essential legal terms in New Mexico:
Joint Legal Custody;
Physical Custody;
Parenting Plan
Joint Legal Custody in New Mexico
Joint legal custody in New Mexico means that both parents have the right and responsibility to make non-emergency legal decisions for a child. New Mexico presumes that joint legal custody is in a child’s best interests. The primary areas of legal custody involves education, religion, health care, and extracurricular activities. These responsibilities can be shared (i.e. joint legal custody) or can be made by only one parent (sole legal custody). Joint legal custody in New Mexico means that both parents have the right to make decisions regarding the child.
Joint Physical Custody in New Mexico
Physical custody is another way of saying “parenting time.” Physical custody involves the specific day, week, weekend, holiday, or vacation time that a child spends with a parent. Joint physical custody does not mean 50-50 time-sharing. A parent can have primary physical custody (i.e. a majority of the time), but the parties still have joint physical custody (i.e. share time with the child). A parent’s time-sharing responsibilities include making routine child care decisions, feeding, sheltering, and clothing the child.
New Mexico law presumes that joint physical custody is in a child’s best interests. In other words, NM law wants both parents to spend time with the child. However, this presumption does not mean that Albuquerque courts prefer 50-50 time-sharing.
A parent is rarely denied time-sharing with a child. A parent’s drug, alcohol, criminal record, CYFD abuse or neglect, domestic violence, or mental health problems may pose a danger to the child. In these situations, the parent’s time-sharing may be restricted, monitored, or supervised. Depending on the unique facts involved, supervised visitation may take place with a relative or neutral facility like APN or Neutral Corner.
Parenting Plans in Albuquerque, New Mexico
A Parenting Plan is a contract that outlines each parent’s rights and responsibilities. Not all child custody cases in New Mexico require court involvement and litigation. Parents can agree on parenting issues and include the agreement into a Parenting Plan. Once the Parenting Plan is signed by the parties and judge, the plan becomes a binding and enforceable court order. A custody hearing is necessary for parents that are unable to reach an amicable agreement regarding the Parenting Plan. A parenting plan in New Mexico should address:
Legal custody:
Physical custody/Time-sharing;
Specific time-sharing and exchange locations;
Holiday and vacation time-sharing schedule;
Steps to resolve disputes and alleged violations;
Steps for parent communication regarding the child;
Annual exchange of child support information; and
Child support worksheet.
Not all child custody cases in New Mexico need to be a battle. Parents should immediately begin working toward as many agreements as possible, to reduce issues and expense. The more issues that are resolved, the less issues that need to be litigated. Less uncertainty equals more stability for the child. Child custody cases are like snowflakes – each case is unique. An effective New Mexico Parenting Plan should be uniquely created for your unique case and family.
Child Custody Cases and Mediation in Albuquerque
Mediation and Settlement Facilitation are often used interchangeably with child custody cases in Second Judicial District Court in Albuquerque. Mediation is a process where a neutral third party attempts to guide parents towards a resolution. New Mexico courts routinely emphasize the need for alternative dispute resolution through mediation, rather than trial. New Mexico parents are encouraged to work together in an effort to resolve time-sharing issues outside of court. Amicable time-sharing agreements enable parents to take matters into their own hands, rather than a judge having the final say.
At times a custody hearing is unavoidable. Not all child custody cases can be resolved amicably. Sometimes too much damage has been done to resolve matters peacefully. Child Custody litigation can be particularly stressful because the judge ultimately decides the child’s best interests – for better or for worse. A lot is at stake by placing a child custody decision in a judge’s hands. Most custody cases are resolved out of court. In fact, most child custody case in Albuquerque should be resolved out of court. Reaching an amicable agreement regarding custody and time-sharing has a host of benefits. These benefits include the child’s ability to adapt to the post separation or divorce lifestyle without unnecessary stress. Make no mistake about it – child custody disputes are stressful for the children involved.
When Child Custody Trial or Hearing is Unavoidable
New Mexico judges must decide custody issues, when parents cannot reach an agreement. Albuquerque judges consider a number of different factors, including:
Each parent’s stability;
Bonding between parent and child;
Status quo time-sharing;
Substance abuse issues;
Mental health issues;
Domestic violence;
Safety concerns; and
Any other factor impacting the child’s best interests.
Child custody issues are guided by the child’s best interests. New Mexico judges decide the child’s best interests. NM judges have wide discretion with determining custody. The judge’s ultimate decision is very difficult to successfully appeal.

Albuquerque Judges often rely on Court Clinic, guardian ad litem, or 11-706 child custody experts to conduct an investigation and make recommendations. The ultimate recommendations will heavily influence the judge’s decision regarding the child’s best interests.
Although the court focuses on a child’s best interests – children are almost never involved with litigation. Children generally never participate with New Mexico trials. In extreme situations, the court may conduct an “in camera interview” where the judge speaks with the child. However, the court usually limits child interaction to the assigned evaluator’s investigation.
There is a lot to navigate when it comes to family custody law. If you need help with the do's and don'ts when it comes to your custody case in Albuquerque and throughout New Mexico, contact the child custody experts at Family Law Firm.
How to Modify Custody and Time-Sharing in New Mexico
Either parent may request a modification of time-sharing, based on a substantial and material change in circumstances. In other words, something major must first happen before the court will change the current order. New Mexico parents can modify time-sharing by filing a Motion to Modify Time-sharing.
Parenting Time and Child Support in New Mexico
A parent cannot deny time-sharing based on the other parent’s failure to pay child support. Child support and time-sharing are completely unrelated.

Contact us today. 1(505)-DIVORCE or (505) 245-7200. Or email us.
"Thank you to everyone at the Family Law Firm office. How wonderful all of you are. I felt like I had friends with me every step of the way! If ever I know of someone in need of your service I will sing your praises and send them your way. Thank you for everything all of you have done for me."
"I want to thank every one at the Family Law Firm for sending me a lifeline and hope when there was none. My children and I are blessed to have you in our lives and there is not one day that I don't thank God for sending me angels in the form of attorneys. Thank you again for all the sweat, effort, understanding, and love you've sent our way."